冲浪 2023参与者



Dr. 布鲁斯·克努森,导演





The State University of New York 上州医科大学, 研究生学院为其2024年夏季本科生研究奖学金(冲浪)项目提供奖学金. The aim of the 冲浪 program is to expose undergraduate students to biomedical research. 参加为期十周的暑期课程, undergraduates with appropriate faculty help will formulate their own proposal, carry out research under the supervision of one of our faculty, write a research paper and have the opportunity to see their work published. 在这个过程中, 学生将参加研究研讨会, 出席并参加学生日记俱乐部, 展示他们的作品, and participate in discussions on alternative careers in research and how to apply to graduate school. 学生有充足的机会与我们的许多教师和研究生直接互动.

The program runs from Monday, June 3, 2024, through Friday, August 9, 2024.

Each fellow will be provided a $4,000 stipend for the period plus housing.

Applicants to the program should be undergraduate students in good academic standing, who will be between their junior and senior years during the summer of 2024, 他们的专业是化学, 生物学, 或相关领域. 申请人必须对攻读博士学位有浓厚兴趣.D. 生物医学研究学位.

The main criteria for the selection of fellows will be personal scholarship, 学术, 以及申请人的兴趣与参与的纽约州立大学上州医科大学生物医学教员的兴趣的匹配. International students who currently have a J-1 or F-1 visa, 并且已经在美国上学, 合资格申请. 

冲浪医师-科学家计划(冲浪 PS)

纽约州立大学上州医科大学冲浪医师-科学家项目(冲浪 PS)是夏季本科生研究奖学金(冲浪)的特殊途径和招生选择。. 这一举措旨在曝光大学生, specifically students from backgrounds underrepresented in science and healthcare, 医师兼科学家的职业道路.

Prospective fellows will apply alongside traditional 冲浪 students. 被录取的研究员将与一名学院研究顾问和一名正在接受博士培训的医学博士/博士生导师一起接触基础科学和转化科学. 研究员将有机会在每周一次的轮岗中与一名教员一起满足临床好奇心. The remaining requirements and events are the same as those for their fellow 冲浪 同行.

冲浪癌症研究计划(冲浪 CR)

冲浪-CR项目是由纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件癌症中心资助的另一种特殊途径和入学选择. 这一举措旨在曝光大学生 to basic, 临床, 以及转化性癌症研究, especially those students who are interested in pursuing a PhD (or MD/PHD) in 癌症 related fields. Prospective fellows will apply alongside traditional 冲浪 students. 被接受的研究员将有机会在几个癌症中心实验室之一进行专业培训,包括i)癌症生物学和基因组学, Ii)预防癌症, 检测, 和诊断, iii)癌症治疗和发育治疗. The remaining requirements and events are the same as those for their fellow 冲浪 同行.

冲浪健康科学计划(冲浪 HS) 

纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 冲浪 健康科学课程(冲浪HS) is another special pathway and admissions option for the Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowship (冲浪). 这一举措旨在曝光大学生 who are interested in the fields of medicine, 护理, 从物理治疗到生物医学研究.  We are specifically looking for students interested in pursuing a PhD, MS, MD, MD /博士, DNP, DPT, 英里每小时, 医师助理:MS.  冲浪 HS fellows are paired with a faculty member in the Colleges of Medicine, 健康的职业, or Nursing to learn more about those professions and to perform cutting edge research. The remaining requirements and events are the same as those for their fellow 冲浪 同行.




  • 完成冲浪在线申请, including a personal statement of your academic goals and career objectives.
  • Submit an official transcript of your undergraduate study to date.
  • Have two letters of recommendation submitted to the 冲浪项目. The letters of recommendation may be requested from professors related to your major, 一个顾问, 和/或系主任. [Letters of recommendation can be mailed, or emailed, by your recommender to the program.]

315 464-4541
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

截止申请日期: 2024年2月28日

本科生暑期研究奖学金(冲浪) Mentors 研究 Description:

杰弗里·阿马克博士: Genetics and cell 生物学 of how organs take shape during embryonic development. 

David Auerbach博士: 细胞, 动物, 以及研究脑(癫痫)和心脏(心律失常)电干扰的易感性和机制的临床方法.) 

Alaji Bah博士:约束规则, Folding and Phase Separation of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins by Post Translational Modifications. 


Karen Boschen博士: 胎儿酒精谱系障碍(FASD)小鼠模型的产前酒精暴露致病机制研究, focusing on cellular processes and signaling pathways important for early brain and face development. 

彼得·卡尔弗特博士: We study the mechanisms by which neurons in the retina partition into functional compartments, and how this process is derailed in neurodegenerative diseases. 

安德鲁·克雷格博士 & Henry Roane博士: 我们的临床研究应用基本学习原理来评估和治疗严重的行为障碍和进食障碍. 我们主要与患有智力和发育障碍的儿童人群合作,比如自闭症谱系障碍. 我们的基础实验室研究考察了影响大鼠和小鼠行为的环境和生物因素. 特别关注的领域包括决策, 复发, and behavioral deficits in 动物 models of neuropsychiatric diseases. 


Thomas Gamage博士: 我们的实验室研究大麻的分子机制和内源性大麻素系统在成瘾中的作用. 具体地说, we are investigating 1) the contribution of minor cannabis constituents on its therapeutic and addiction-related effects; 2) the role of G protein subtypes on cannabinoid receptor signaling bias; and 3) allosteric modulation of cannabinoid receptors and its potential as a therapeutic strategy to treat addiction. 

Brian Howell博士: Disruption in Reelin-Dab1 signaling in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Alzheimer’s Disease. 


黄彦强(Scott): 我们的实验室承担基础研究,以支持新出现和再出现的黄病毒候选减毒活疫苗的开发, e.g.西尼罗河病毒和黄热病病毒. 

Tamara Jamaspishvili医学博士推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Pathology research Core设施的研究重点是通过使用基于人工智能(AI)的病理图像分析方法,为癌症患者创建改进的风险评估或疾病结果预测算法. 

帕特里夏·凯恩博士: Mechanisms of cellular aging—what happens to lysosomes as cells age 

莫宾·卡里米,医学博士发育过程中的免疫受体信号, 体内平衡, T细胞和NK细胞的效应功能. 

巴里·诺克斯博士: Molecular 生物学 of gene expression in the retina and mechanisms of retinal degeneration; molecular basis of tick feeding behavior and Lyme disease. 


Andreas Koenig博士: We are researching the interplay between viral infection, 线粒体功能障碍和先天免疫反应的激活可能导致全身性炎症. 

理查德·科普博士: iPSC models of genetic and environmental risk of neuropsychiatric disorders. 

Leszek Kotula医学博士肿瘤进展的遗传和分子机制. 

林慧豪博士: Neural circuit mechanisms of feeding regulation in Drosophila. 

陆宏博士肝脏是代谢中心, 免疫组织, and drug factory for the production and delivery of Biologics. 

Christopher Neville, PT, PhD生物力学:研究重点是在一系列患者群体和临床应用中测量关节运动. One focus is the measurement of postural control post-concussion injury. 

Reyna Martinez-DeLuna博士: Regulation of retinal development and retina to brain connections by the extracellular matrix

唐娜·奥斯特豪特博士: Myelin formation during brain development; repair of the spinal cord after injury. 

Andras Perl,医学博士,博士: We conduct research on susceptibility genes that regulate mitochondrial 体内平衡, 自噬, and cell death signal processing in mouse models and patients with autoimmunity, 癌症, 代谢疾病, 是什么导致了临床试验的成功. 

Jessica Henty-Ridilla博士: Actin and microtubule crosstalk in 癌症 and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). 

M. 赛义德·谢赫博士: Development of tumor markers and targets for 癌症 therapy, and regulation of cell death and survival signaling in normal and 癌症 cells. 


哈里·泰勒博士: Our research aims to advance our understanding of the interplay between viral pathogens, 宿主代谢, and the immune system in the context of both AIDS and COVID-19. 

Saravanan Thangamani博士: The primary research focus for my lab is to unravel the molecular mechanisms of arbovirus (Zika, 基孔肯雅热, 波瓦桑病毒)由蜱虫和蚊子传播. 除了, my lab focuses on: (1) understanding the environmental factors contributing to the emergence and re-emergence of tick-borne diseases in New York; (2) to develop novel transmission control methods, including the development of transmission blocking and anti-tick vaccines; (3) to investigate the effect of co-infections on the 临床 outcome of Lyme disease. 

左宗伟博士视觉感知的神经元机制, 通过生理研究, anatomical and functional imaging techniques: Adult cortical plasticityand retinal activity. 

Mariano Viapiano博士我们实验室研究恶性脑癌, with a focus on identifying and targeting novel mechanisms of tumor cell growth, 入侵, 以及治疗抗性. 

Andrea S Viczian博士: Understanding molecular networks in frog and mouse early eye formation that when mutated in humans, 导致失明. 

王桂荣博士: 表面活性剂蛋白(SP-A)的先天免疫, SP-B, SP-C, SP-D) in the bacterial pneumonia model using humanized transgenic mice. 

Thomas Weickert博士: Our 临床 neuroscience research program uses molecular neurobiological, 神经成像和神经认知的发现来指导我们的研究使用脑刺激和/或重新利用, 批准的药物作为抗精神病药物的附加疗法,用于改善精神分裂症及相关精神病患者的思维能力和减轻症状严重程度. 

斯蒂芬·威尔肯斯博士 研究描述即将发布. 

马克·伍德福德博士: 研究描述即将发布. 

赵丽茹博士脑血管疾病病理进展中的神经血管网络重组机制及治疗干预, 脑外伤, 神经血管退行性疾病. 

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