

The Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences is an integrated, multidisciplinary interdepartmental program designed to provide trainees with a core curriculum followed by advanced courses and dissertation research leading to the Masters of Science (M.S.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) 学位 in a specific discipline.

Our institution is dedicated to the development of independent, competitive and well-trained professionals with strong communication skills who can succeed in the biomedical research field.  The specific programs are designed to provide graduates with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue competitive research in either academic or industrial careers.

Scientific Knowledge

学生 must demonstrate both general and discipline specific conceptual knowledge in ever evolving fields. These include, but are not limited to, molecular biology, cell organization, regulation and function. 除了, students need to develop self-learning tools to allow for continued education throughout their careers. These include fundamental of literature search and awareness of developments in related fields.  Masters students are expected to graduate with a proficient level of scientific knowledge; Ph.D. students are expected to graduate with an expert level of scientific knowledge.   


学生 must be able to examine, develop and critically evaluate scientific questions, presentations and the literature including such aspects as the framing of the research question, logic of the research design, and appropriate use of statistical tools.  Masters students are expected to become proficient critical thinkers; Ph.D. students are expected to become expert critical thinkers.   


All students must demonstrate a broad training in both technical skills and demonstrated ability to perform independent and novel research. This would include problem solving, designing appropriate experimental paths and choosing important scientific questions.

Professionalism and Responsible Conduct of 研究

两米.S. 和Ph值.D. students need to demonstrate a commitment to the integrity and professional responsibilities of the research enterprise. This would include demonstrated honesty, integrity and respectful behavior in all aspects of their profession. The student should be familiar with illustrative examples of deception, dishonesty and conflict of interest in research and both institutional and personal strategies to avoid them.

Communication Skills

Upon completion of both a M.S. 和Ph值.D. 学位, students are expected to demonstrate strong scientific writing and grantsmanship skills, and exhibit outstanding presentation, teaching and collaborative skills.  Ph.D. students are also expected to publish manuscripts from their research finds.  


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