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Prep-up Program Visual


Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, May 31, 2025

Dr. Bruce Knutson, Director

Dr. Alaji Bah, Codirector

Program Flyer

Program Brochure

About the Program


The State University of New York Upstate Medical University, 研究生院为其学士学位后研究和教育计划(prepup)提供研究培训机会。. 该计划的重点是加强项目参与者的研究技能和学术竞争力,以帮助满足基础研究和转化研究中不同研究者的迫切需求, particularly individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.

被录取的学生将在一名已成立的生物医学科学家的监督下作为学徒科学家工作,并参加技能发展课程. Each student will be provided a salary and benefits 为期12个月,并有机会免费学习两门全学分课程.

Students will attend research seminars, present and participate in a student journal club, present their work, 并参与有关研究职业发展和如何申请研究生院的讨论. 学生有充足的机会与我们的许多教师和研究生直接互动. 

The program runs from Monday, June 3, 2024, through Wednesday, May 31, 2025.

申请人必须是来自学术地位良好的代表性不足群体的本科生, 谁将在2024年春季学期结束前完成大四的学习, and are majors in biomedically related field, such as chemistry, biology, neuroscience, microbiology, etc.

申请者必须对从事基础生物医学研究有浓厚兴趣, and are expected to pursue rigorous, research-focused doctoral degree programs (e.g., PhD or MD/PhD) in biomedical fields. Individuals who graduated within the last two years are also eligible.

The main criteria for the selection of students will be personal scholarship, academic excellence, 以及申请人的兴趣与参与的纽约州立大学上州医科大学生物医学教员的兴趣的匹配.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be US citizens or hold permanent resident status, 也有资格成为生物医学科学中代表性不足的群体的成员, including economically disadvantaged students and those with disabilities.  For more information, please see the following link - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-20-031.html

该项目是为具有巨大潜力和科学热情的本科生量身定制的, 但缺乏丰富的研究经验,因此在最严格的生物医学研究生课程中竞争力较弱. 我们特别寻求招聘具有生物医学相关科学学士/学士学位的个人, with a G.P.A.s of at least 3.0 and who lack substantial research experience.

我们对从生物医学领域代表性不足的群体中招募个人特别感兴趣. 美国国立卫生研究院报告说,在生物医学或行为研究中代表性不足的群体包括非洲裔美国人, Hispanic-Americans or Latino/a, American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and Pacific Islanders, 来自弱势社会经济背景的个人和残疾人. First generation college students are also encouraged to apply.


How To Apply

  • Complete the PREP-Up online application.
  • Submit a personal statement of your academic goals and career objectives, 你目前感兴趣的一些生物医学领域的研究, describe your reasons for wanting to attend the PREP-Up program, 以及作为一名被低估的候选人,这个项目将如何帮助提升你的职业生涯.
  • Submit an official transcript of your undergraduate study to date.
  • 提交一份反映你经历的专业简历或简历. 这份简历可以包括全职或兼职职位、实习和/或志愿者经历.
  • 至少有两封推荐信提交给预科项目. 推荐信可以由与你专业相关的教授出具, an advisor, and/or department chair. (推荐信可以由你的推荐人邮寄或通过电子邮件发送给项目.)

Mail supplemental documents to:

SUNY Upstate Medical University
College of Graduate Studies
PREP-Up Program
Room 3122, Weiskoktten Hall
766 Irving Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13210
315 464-4541
FAX: 315-464-4544
Email: [email protected]

Deadline for Applications: March 31, 2024 or when all positions are filled.


David Auerbach, PhD

David Auerbach, PhD

Examine the prevalence, risks, and mechanisms for electrical disturbances in both the brain and heart.

Alaji Bah, PhD

Alaji Bah, PhD

Regulation of binding, 翻译后修饰的内在无序蛋白的折叠和相分离.

Marie Bechler, PhD

Marie Bechler, PhD


Peter Calvert, PhD

Peter Calvert, PhD

我们研究了视网膜神经元划分为功能区室的机制, and how this process is derailed in neurodegenerative diseases.

Gary Chan, PhD

Gary Chan, PhD

Human cytomegalovirus pathogenesis and persistence.

Huaiyu Hu, PhD

Huaiyu Hu, PhD


Patricia Kane, PhD

Patricia Kane, PhD

Genetics, genomics, and biochemistry of cellular pH regulation.

Bruce Knutson, PhD

Bruce Knutson, PhD


Leszek Kotula, MD/PhD

Leszek Kotula, MD/PhD

Genetic and molecular mechanisms of tumor progression.

Mira Krendel, PhD

Mira Krendel, PhD

我们的实验室使用活细胞成像来研究细胞迁移和粘附缺陷如何导致人类肾脏疾病, promote cancer progression, and disrupt immune functions.

Yingxi Lin, PhD

Yingxi Lin, PhD

运用多学科方法探索学习的分子和突触机制, memory and neurological disorders.

Chunyu Liu, PhD

Chunyu Liu, PhD

我的实验室专注于使用一种由遗传学组成的综合方法, bioinformatics, genomics, 细胞模型鉴定主要精神疾病的分子机制, particularly bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, as well as related human psychological behavioral traits.

Juntao Luo, PhD

Juntao Luo, PhD


Francesca Pignoni, PhD

Francesca Pignoni, PhD

Signaling pathways and transcription factors in eye development.

Dave Pruyne, PhD

Dave Pruyne, PhD

We study the development of muscle, and specifically the assembly of the muscle cytoskeleton, using a combination of vertebrate and invertebrate model systems, and in vitro biochemistry.

Harry Taylor, PhD

Harry Taylor, PhD

我们的研究旨在促进我们对病毒病原体之间相互作用的理解, host metabolism, and the immune system in the context of both AIDS and COVID-19.

Saravanan Thangamani, PhD

Saravanan Thangamani, PhD

我实验室的总体目标是解开蜱虫和蚊子传播疾病的生物学原理, 并制定新的对策来控制和预防蜱虫和蚊子传播的疾病,如莱姆病, Powassan encephalitis, Chikungunya and Zika virus disease.

Cynthia Weickert, PhD

Cynthia Weickert, PhD

Discovering the biological basis of Schizophrenia.

Cynthia Weickert, PhD

Thomas W. Weickert, PhD

Our clinical neuroscience research program uses molecular neurobiological, 神经成像和神经认知的发现来指导我们的研究使用脑刺激和/或重新利用, 批准的药物作为抗精神病药物的附加疗法,用于改善精神分裂症及相关精神病患者的思维能力和减轻症状严重程度.

Joel Wilmore, PhD

Joel Wilmore, PhD

我们的研究重点是微生物组和免疫系统之间的相互作用, 以及这些相互作用如何导致参与预防败血症的系统性IgA抗体反应.

Richard JH Wojcikiewicz, PhD

Richard JH Wojcikiewicz, PhD

Intracellular signaling and protein-protein interactions in mammalian cells.

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