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The 3+3 DPT program allows students to complete both their undergraduate degree and their physical therapy doctoral degree (DPT) in SIX years rather than seven. Students accepted into the 3+3 DPT Early Assurance program have guaranteed acceptance into SUNY Upstate's DPT program providing they have met all conditions outlined in their acceptance letter. 保证在3+3 DPT项目中获得一席之地, students must be accepted by both the participating undergraduate college and by SUNY Upstate. 纽约州立大学与七所学院建立了3+3项目:

Students matriculate in the Physical Therapy program at SUNY Upstate after three undergraduate years of college. The first year at Upstate counts for both the fourth year of undergraduate and the first year of graduate study. 在上州立大学完成第一年学业后, 学生从本科院校获得学士学位. 在成功完成额外两年的研究生工作后, 学生将获得纽约州立大学上州医科大学的DPT学位.

 被录取的早期保证学生必须完成所有 prerequisite courses with a grade of "C" or higher ("B" or higher preferred), and will be required to have a 3.3 cumulative and 3.3 prerequisite GPA by the end of the fall and spring semesters of their junior year.  Students will also need to continue shadowing a Physical Therapist while enrolled at their undergraduate college.

如果不确定是否申请3+3早期保证或 4+3 Early Assurance,我们建议申请人申请3+3.  请注意,申请人不能同时提交3+3和 4+3 DPT.

我们强烈鼓励未来的学生加入我们的 contact list. Also, if you would like to schedule a pre-advisement with the Physical Therapy Early Assurance Admissions Advisor, 你可以登记预约 here.

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Admission Requirements for the DPT 3+3 Early Assurance Program at SUNY Upstate Medical University

High school seniors who meet the following criteria will be considered for an interview for the 3+3 DPT program at SUNY Upstate Medical University:

  • Recommended minimum unweighted High School Grade Point Average of 90% or higher
  • 四年理科和四年数学. 摄政,荣誉,AP,或IB课程推荐
  • Eight (8) hours of observational experience with a Physical Therapist through participation in a Health Explorers Post, New Visions Program, 实习或志愿者工作是必需的. Applicants need to be able to articulate what Physical Therapists do and be knowledgeable about the field of Physical Therapy.Applicants will list their shadowing experiences on the Upstate application. 如果他们在提交申请后完成了额外的实习, they can e-mail the details to [email protected] no later than February 1st.

The Application Process for the 3+3 DPT Early Assurance Program at SUNY Upstate Medical University

  • Complete the SUNY Upstate 3+3 DPT application 并缴交$65申请费*.

    申请时间为9月1日至2月1日. 在申请表上的“你申请的是什么项目??” select “Doctor of Physical Therapy-DPT” and then under “Which application type are you applying for?,申请选择“DPT 3+3高中毕业生早期保证”.

  • 向参与的本科学院提交申请. 保证在3+3 DPT项目中获得一席之地, students must be accepted by both a participating undergraduate college and by SUNY Upstate.
  • Submit to SUNY Upstate:
    • Official high school transcript. 如果你的高中使用Naviance或SCOIR成绩单, please have them e-mail or mail your official transcript to our office as SUNY Upstate is not able to receive transcripts electronically from Naviance or SCOIR.**
    • 10周成绩报告(第一阅卷期成绩/成绩单)**
    • Two letters of recommendation.
      • We recommend that at least one letter be from a science teacher and the second should be from a teacher, School Counselor, employer, volunteer supervisor or the Physical Therapist that you have volunteered or worked for. 个人推荐信不予考虑. 
      • 申请人须注明推荐人姓名, organization and department, position/title, relationship to you, telephone number and e-mail address on the Upstate 3+3 application for admission. 一旦你在申请表上输入推荐人的信息, they will be sent instructions on how to submit the letter of recommendation. 一旦提交,您和您的推荐人都会收到确认.
  • 提交申请的截止日期是2月1日.  所有证明文件必须不迟于2月7日收到.  It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all items are received on time.  申请人可在网上查阅申请清单.
  • Qualified applicants will be contacted via e-mail to set up an interview, which are held in March.

*Applicants with a fee waiver can have their School Counselor mail the waiver to our office at the address below or via e-mail it to: [email protected].  Applicants who are eligible for free or reduced lunch at their high school can have their School Counselor notify our office about your eligibility at: [email protected] to waive the application fee.

** High school transcripts and 10-week grade reports can be sent to us from the applicant’s high school via:

电子邮件:由你的高中指导办公室发给 [email protected] (preferred)


Frequently Asked Questions

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Students are require to achieve a minimum cumulative and prerequisite GPA of 3.3 .在入学前两个学期结束时. 每门先决条件的最低成绩为“C” science 课程是必需的,但建议最低成绩为“B”.


You will receive a Bachelor’s degree from your undergraduate college in your chosen field of study and a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree from SUNY Upstate Medical University.


If accepted as a 3+3 student, you will be required to complete 60 hours of shadowing during your undergraduate college years.


No. Your application process is completed when you are accepted by Upstate to the Early Assurance program. You will need to submit official college transcript(s) by January of your year of entry. 3+3学生在大学三年级的1月份支付押金.

If accepted to Upstate as an Early Assurance student, what type of commitment am I making?

You will be asked to notify us by May 1 of your senior year of high school whether or not you accept our offer of admission.  If accepting our offer, you will tell us the name of the college you will be attending and your major.  No deposit is due at this time, but will be required when we confirm the acceptance in January of the year of entry. The program is non-binding.


If you are not accepted as a high school senior to the 3+3 Early Assurance program, you are encouraged to attend the college of your choice for the major of your choice, 然后申请物理治疗 大学二年级学生早期保障计划. 给我们发一封电子邮件,让我们知道你将上哪所大学.

如果我改变主意,决定从事另一种职业怎么办? Am I committed to attend Upstate?

No, you may change your mind. We just ask that you notify us, in writing, 你要退出早期保险计划.

我不确定是要申请3+3还是4+3. Can I be considered for both?

申请人不能同时提交3+3和4+3 DPT申请. If unsure whether to apply for 3+3 or 4+3 Early Assurance,我们建议申请人申请3+3. Students admitted to the 3+3 program can change to 4+3 up until their first day of classes in the fall semester of their freshman year of college. 在某些条件下,它们可能会在其他时间发生变化.
