

The Early Assurance Program for College Freshmen is an opportunity for college freshmen who are interested in pursuing their bachelor’s degree at 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 to apply 和 receive a decision while in their freshman year of college.

Applicants can apply to one of the following bachelor’s degree programs within the 卫生职业学院:

Applicants must be currently enrolled freshmen at an accredited institution 和 began college in the fall semester proceeding their high school graduation.

Accepted students are required to complete their remaining 必备的课程, earn a minimum 3.平均绩点30分,最低3分.30 cumulative overall GPA (from all colleges previously attended) prior to their entry date.


  • 建议最低累积平均绩点为3分.30 calculated from all colleges previously attended (matriculated 和 non-matriculated) by the end of the fall semester of their freshman year of college.
  • 推荐的高中平均成绩不低于90分, 未加权的高中科学平均88分.
  • 医学影像/放射学(BS), 医学影像/超声(本科, BPS)和放射治疗(BS, 只有:完成解剖学和生理学I与实验室(3-4学时) or 解剖学和生理学II带实验(3-4学时) or General Physics I with lab (3-4 semester hours) with a grade of “B+” or higher by the end of the fall semester of the freshman year of college. 而我们将接受AP学分*来满足先决条件, this requirement must be met from a course completed for a letter grade from an accredited college**. 
  • For 呼吸治疗(BS) ONLY: Completed Anatomy 和 Physiology I with lab (3-4 semester hours) or General Chemistry I with lab (3-4 semester hours) with a grade of “B+” or higher by the end of the fall semester of the freshman year of college. 而我们将接受AP学分*来满足先决条件, this requirement must be met from a course completed for a letter grade from an accredited college**.    
  • For Medical Technology (BS) 和 Medical Biotechnology (BS) ONLY: Completed General Chemistry I with lab (3-4 semester hours) 和 one additional lab science prerequisite from the following courses with a grade of “B+” or higher by the end of the fall semester of the freshman year of college: Anatomy 和 Physiology I with lab (3-4 semester hours) or 解剖学和生理学II带实验(3-4学时) or 普通生物学I(含实验)(3-4学时) or 普通生物II含实验(3-4学时) or 普通微生物学带实验室(3-4学时). 而我们将接受AP学分*来满足先决条件, this requirement must be met from a course completed for a letter grade from an accredited college**. 
  • 医学影像/放射学(BS), 医学影像/超声(BS), 放射治疗(BS), 呼吸治疗(BS) Medical Technology (BS) 和 Medical Biotechnology (BS) ONLY: Completed College Algebra, 微积分预科或微积分(3个学时) with a grade of “B+” or higher by the end of the fall semester of the freshman year of college. 如果学分来自大学代数的AP或IB课程, 微积分预科或微积分, the applicant will need to submit an official AP or IB score report 和 provide evidence that their undergraduate college accepted the credit to meet College Algebra, 微积分预科或微积分(3个学时).

*AP/IB Policy: Our AP 和 IB credit policy is to accept AP 和 IB courses however the undergraduate college accepted the credits.  Applicants will need to submit an official score report 和 provide materials that show how the credit was met.

**参见课程等效性指南(http://www.Upstate.edu/chp/admissions/trans.php) to determine which course(s) at the undergraduate college meets our 必备的课程. 如果就读的大学不在列表中,请随时与我们的办公室联系 (电子邮件保护) 在一所大学里选定符合先决条件的课程.

The EAP application opens January 2 和 is due no later than 11:59 pm EST on March 15.  所有证明文件必须在4月1日前盖上邮戳. 申请人有责任确保按时收到所有物品. 申请在4月份进行审核,面试安排在4月或5月. 


  • SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 卫生职业学院 Early Assurance for College Freshmen application (Medical Imaging/Radiography (X-ray), 超声波(BS或BPS), 放射治疗(BS或BPS), 呼吸治疗(BS), 医学技术(学士学位)或医学生物技术(学士学位): 马上申请 (1月2日至3月15日开放)
  • 高中正式成绩单. 这可以邮寄到我们的办公室(纽约州立大学上州医科大学), 招生, 欧文大道766号., Weiskotten大厅1210, 锡拉丘兹, ny13210),或通过电子邮件发送至我们的办公室((电子邮件保护))直接从申请人的高中辅导员那里通过他们的工作电子邮件地址发送.  我们不接受Naviance的成绩单.  成绩单必须显示申请人的高中毕业日期.
  • 两封推荐信. One must be from a professor (preferably science) from the applicant’s undergraduate college. The second may be from either 1) a high school teacher who taught the applicant in the applicant’s junior or senior year of high school or 2) a second college faculty member who taught the applicant. 个人推荐信将 被接受.
  • 提交 官方成绩单 来自所有就读过的大学. This includes college credits earned while in high school or over a summer or winter term.  正式成绩单应发送到纽约州立大学上州医科大学, 招生, 欧文大道766号.地址:锡拉丘兹, Weiskotten大厅1210, new york 13210或通过电子邮件从学院到 (电子邮件保护).

If admitted via Early Assurance, students must have a minimum cumulative 和 prerequisite GPA of 3.30 (我们不四舍五入) at the time that acceptance is finalized in January 入学年份的 和 again at the end of the spring semester 入学年份的, 没有低于"C"的先决条件. 所有的前提课程必须在8月10日前完成th 入学年份的.

Acceptance is conditional 和 will be rescinded if conditions of acceptance 和 admission requirements are 不 met.  Acceptance will also be conditional upon review of a background check that will be completed by the student in the year of entry.  Information will be sent in the acceptance packet in the spring 入学年份的.



被录取的学生将 我需要提交纽约州立大学的申请.

Accepted students will be subjected to changes in cost of attendance, including tuition costs.

Accepted students who want to enter a year different than the year they were accepted would need to submit a request in writing to the 招生 Committee who will evaluate the request 和 render a decision.

招生 will verify acceptances in January 入学年份的 at which time a deposit will be required. 

C和idates who decide (for whatever reason) 不 to continue with the Early Assurance Program but rather apply to other degree programs via the regular admissions process must first withdraw their guaranteed acceptance to SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 via e-mail. 学生仍然可以申请上州大学的常规录取.

The EAP program is NOT intended to shorten the duration of time of an undergraduate education.

问题可以由招生顾问通过电子邮件回答 (电子邮件保护) 或拨打315-464-4570.