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放射治疗 / 伽玛刀 Referrals

Main 电话ephone: 315 464-4470
主要的传真: 315-464-5520
免费: 800 255-5011

Required for referrals:

  • Recent office notes with diagnosis & reason for surgical consult
  • Recent imaging / scans from within the last 6 months

电话. 315 492-3172

Timothy M Beutler, 医学博士FAANS
电话. 315 492-3111
Fax: 315-464-4415

劳伦斯的下巴md, facs
电话. 315 492-3170
Fax: 315-464-5520

格雷厄姆写C. 古尔德, MD
电话. 315 492-3118
Fax: 315-464-8476

沃尔特•霍尔, MD
电话. 315 492-3117
Fax: 315-464-6504

Satish Krishnamurthy, MD
电话. 315 492-3125
Fax: 315-464-5501



推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Neurosurgery offers the world's most sophisticated neurosurgical tool—the 伽玛刀—the "Gold Standard" of radiosurgery for patients with brain tumors or disorders in risky or inaccessible locations. 这个工具, which is not really a knife but beams of gamma radiation, eradicates small brain tumors and other disorders without an incision—and without the pain, risk and longer hospitalization associated with conventional brain surgery.

Appropriate Disorders for 伽玛刀 Treatment

Only at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University

In Central New York, 伽玛刀 treatment is offered only at University Hospital's dedicated radiosurgery facility. Opened in 1998, this was only the third 伽玛刀 in New York State, the 39th in the United States. / (1,700 伽玛刀 procedures have been performed at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's Central New York 伽玛刀 Center. Patients who are treated with the 伽玛刀 remain in the hospital for just one night after treatment and return almost immediately to their normal routines.

How the 伽玛刀 Works

Extraordinary Precision The Leksell 伽玛刀® is a radiosurgical device that enables doctors to treat deep-seated intracrancial lesions without the risk of open-skull surgery. The "blades" of the 伽玛刀 are beams of gamma radiation, programmed to bombard the lesion only at the precise point of intersection. Independently, these beams pass harmlessly through the skull and surrounding tissue. The 伽玛刀 destroys its target—and only its target—by delivering 201 tiny, 但功能强大, beams of intersecting radiation through a collimator helmet attached to a stereotactic headframe. The goal of 伽玛刀 radiosurgery is not to remove the lesion, but to arrest its growth. Gamma radiation works by "deranging" molecules in tumor cells, so they stop duplicating and eventually die.

Advantages of 伽玛刀 放射治疗

In addition to its very high success rate, 伽玛刀 radiosurgery offers several distinct advantages:

  • Extraordinary Precision: a high dose of radiation is focused at a precise target, with minimal risk to adjacent tissues and structures.
  • 非侵入式: No surgical risks, such as infection
  • Minimal Discomfort: Patient may be lightly sedated but is awake throughout the entire procedure. (Children are sedated.)
  • Short Hospital Stay: At most, an overnight admission is required.
  • Prompt Recovery: Rarely are more that two or three days required for recovery.
  • 经济: 伽玛刀 surgery often costs 25%-30% less than conventional, open-skull neurosurgery.
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