肾脏学 病人护理


肾脏学, Firm C
推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Health Care Center
90 Presidential Plaza
Syracuse, NY 13202
谷歌地图 & 方向
电话: 315 464-3834
传真: 315 464-3837

Michael Lioudis, MD, 处长

The Division of 肾脏学 at the State University of 纽约 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University in Syracuse provides comprehensive clinical care for adult patients with diseases related to the kidney and hypertension.

We provide care to patients with chronic renal failure through our dialysis programs, as well as medical direction to a regional kidney transplant program. Complete support of patients with end stage renal disease includes intermittent hemodialysis, 李, CCPD, 和一般.

All patients should be referred by their physician.


University Hospital Transplant Clinic

The 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University Renal Transplant Program is dedicated to providing advanced solid organ transplant services to the 纽约中部 Region. The catchment area serves 36 counties and a population of about 1 million. Approximately 35 renal transplants per year are performed at University Hospital, and over 1500 transplant related patients are followed in the outpatient setting.

除了, the program provides specialty care and immunosuppressive monitoring to recipients of other solid organ transplants, such as small intestine, 肝, 心, 和肺, to the CNY population. The academic nature of the program facilitates involvement of medical and surgical house staff, 肾的同伴, 药店, 以及其他受训者.

Abstracts and presentations are frequent products of systematic research within the program and are highlighted at national meetings such as the AST, ASN, 和NKF. Dr. Sriram Narsipur serves as the Director of Transplant 肾脏学 and is assisted by Dr. Tod Leggat as the primary medical support for transplantation.

An advanced quality improvement program, donor advocacy meetings, transplant listing chart review meetings, and other multi-disciplinary activities occur on a regularly scheduled basis and serve to augment training and clinical care of patients.

University Health Care Center Outpatient Renal Clinic

肾脏学 at University Health Care Center (UHCC) specializes in management of the following conditions:

  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Hereditary kidney disease
  • Metabolic kidney disease, including diabetes and kidney stone disease
  • Difficult to manage hypertension
  • Renal transplantation
  • Electrolyte abnormalities and acidosis

We see new patients within 2 weeks of referral and actively collaborate with the patient's primary care provider to optimize management. William Clay Elliott, MD is the Medical Director at the UHCC Medical Specialties Clinic.

University Health Care Center Stone Clinic

Our Metabolic Stone Center offers a comprehensive evaluation of stone-forming risk factors in those patients either with a history of a single exotic/unusual kidney stone or a history of recurrent nephrolithiasis. We currently serve a referral base that extends north to the Canadian Border, south to northern Pennsylvania, 东至奥尔巴尼, and west to Rochester.

University Dialysis Center (UDC)

Dialysis Clinic Inc. University Dialysis Center is a part of a national 501(C)(3) tax exempt organization with headquarters in Nashville Tennessee. Chronic outpatient incenter hemodialysis, home hemo dialysis and peritoneal dialysis services are provided in clinics located in Syracuse, 奥本和奥斯威戈, 纽约.

Thirty chronic incenter stations in the Syracuse clinic and thirteen chronic stations in the 奥本和奥斯威戈 clinic are available. Presently patients dialyze on two shifts Monday to Saturday in the 奥本和奥斯威戈 clinics. Syracuse operates two shifts on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and three shifts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Sriram Narsipur MD is the Medical Director for the program and Dawn Berry the Administrator.