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Minimally Invasive (Laparoscopic) Surgery Clinic

Minimally Invasive (Laparoscopic) Surgery Clinic
Upstate Community Hospital
POB North, 2B
4900 Broad Road
Syracuse, NY 13215
Google Maps & Directions
Phone: 315 492-5036
Fax: 315 492-5477

Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) features exciting new technologies, all of which are aimed at improving patient's recovery after surgery and helping people return to their previous quality of life with as little disruption as possible.

This is achieved through the use of digital cameras and small incisions for access to the abdominal cavity through which many types of special instruments are inserted using ports, which usually require less than 1 cm incisions. We have special expertise in this approach, also known as a laparoscopic approach, to many common surgical problems.

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Incisional Hernia Repair

A hernia (her-nee-uh) is a weakness or tear in the wall of an organ that causes a part of that organ to squeeze through the muscle wall. An incisional hernia is a type of hernia that occurs at the site of an incision of a previous abdominal surgery.

Is surgery needed?

A hernia tends to increase in size over time and usually does not go away. There is a danger that other belly (abdominal) organs such as bowel could become stuck inside the hernia. This would require emergency surgery.

What is a laparoscopic incisional hernia repair?

A laparoscopic (lap-er-uh-skop-ic) incisional hernia repair is a type of surgery used to repair the hernia. A special device called a laparoscope is used. Small (about one inch) incisions are made to allow the insertion of the laparoscope and surgical instruments. Attached to the laparoscope is a special tiny TV camera. 外科医生可以在显示器上看到疝气和周围区域的放大视图. A piece of special medical material, called mesh, is used to strengthen the weakened area of the abdominal wall. This helps prevent the hernia from recurring.

What are the benefits?

A laparoscopic hernia repair may allow you to recover faster and have less pain than traditional surgery. You can usually go home the same day of the surgery. 较大的疝气修补需要住院几天.

What are the risks?

Possible risks are:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding into the belly
  • Injury to nearby structures
  • Return of the hernia


Should I do anything special to prepare for surgery?

There is no special preparation. The night before the surgery, do not eat or drink anything after midnight. Do not smoke, chew tobacco, or gum the morning of surgery. 我们会通知您手术当天到达医院的时间. Have someone drive you to and from the hospital. You will not be able to drive yourself home or take a bus or cab.

What should I expect after surgery?

You will go home the same day of your surgery for smaller size hernias repairs. Larger hernia repairs usually require as a short stay in the hospital. You can return to work and your normal routine in one to two weeks. You should avoid heavy lifting for a few weeks after your surgery. This will allow the repair to heal.

Inguinal Hernia Repair

A hernia is a weakness or tear in the wall of an organ that causes a part of that organ to squeeze through the muscle wall. An inguinal (in-gwih-null) or groin hernia is a hernia that occurs where the lower belly (abdomen) joins the legs.

Is surgery needed?

A hernia tends to increase in size over time and usually does not go away. There is a danger that other belly (abdominal) organs such as bowel could become stuck inside the hernia. This would require emergency surgery.

What is a laparoscopic inquinal hernia repair?

A laparoscopic (lap-er-uh-skop-ic) inguinal hernia repair is a type of surgery used to repair the hernia. A special device called a laparoscope is used. Small (about one inch) incisions are made to allow the insertion of the laparoscope and surgical instruments. Attached to the laparoscope is a special tiny TV camera. 外科医生可以在显示器上看到疝气和周围区域的放大视图. A piece of special medical material, called mesh, is used to strengthen the weakened area of the abdominal wall. This helps prevent the hernia from recurring.

What are the benefits?

A laparoscopic hernia repair may allow you to recover faster and have less pain than traditional surgery. Another benefit is that hernias on both groins and at the belly button (umbilicus) can all be treated at the same time. You can usually go home the same of the surgery.

What are the risk?

Possible risks are:

  • Infection.
  • Bleeding into the belly
  • Injury to nearby structures.
  • Return of the hernia


Should I do anything special to prepare for surgery?

There is no special preparation. The night before the surgery, do no eat or drink anything after midnight. Do not smoke, chew tobacco, or gum the morning of surgery. 我们会通知您手术当天到达医院的时间. Have someone drive you to and from the hospital. You will not be able to drive yourself home or take a bus or cab.

What should I expect after surgery?

You will go home the same day of your surgery for smaller size hernias repairs. Larger hernia repairs usually require a short stay in the hospital. You can return to work and your normal routine in one to two weeks. You should avoid heavy lifting for a few weeks after your surgery. This will allow the repair to heal.


结肠切除术是切除部分或整个结肠(大肠或肠)的手术。. 这是一种有时用于治疗结肠癌、憩室炎或结肠炎的手术.

What is a laparoscopic colectomy?

腹腔镜结肠切除术使用一种叫做腹腔镜的特殊设备. Small (about one inch) incisions are made to allow the insertion of the laparoscope and surgical instruments. Attached to the laparoscope is a tiny special TV camera that allows the colon and surrounding tissue to be magnified on a monitor. The surgeon can remove the part of the colon that needs treatment.

What are the benefits?

A laparoscopic colectomy requires a shorter hospital stay, less pain after surgery, faster healing, 与传统手术相比,手术后可以更快地吃固体食物. With a laparoscopic colectomy there is a minimal risk of damage to surrounding structures and organs.

What are the risks?

Possible risks are:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Injury to nearby structures and organs
  • Leakage of bowel contents at the surgery site.

Will I need any tests before surgery?

Your doctor may order a colonoscopy and some blood tests. 结肠镜检查是对结肠进行检查,使用的是一种细长、柔韧、发光的管,称为结肠镜. The doctor can get a clear, magnified view of the inside of your colon. Depending on your health, some additional tests may be ordered.

How should I prepare for surgery?

The night before the surgery, 你需要服用一种特殊的药物来清除结肠内的任何内容物. This lessens the risk of infection. 手术前一天午夜过后,你将不能吃或喝任何东西. Do not smoke, chew tobacco or gum the morning of surgery. 您将被告知在手术当天到达医院的时间. Bring any comfort items from home that you may need for a short hospital stay.

What should I expect after surgery?

The usual hospital stay is three to five days. 在医院期间,你要吃透明的流质食物,直到你开始放屁。. Sometimes a urinary catheter is needed for a few days. 大多数人在大约两到三周内恢复到正常的活动水平. Heavy lifting is to be avoided for a few weeks after the surgery.

Nissen Fundoplication

What is heartburn?

Heartburn, also called gastroesophageal reflux or GERD, is a condition where the acids in the stomach back up into the esophagus. 食道是将食物从口腔后部输送到胃部的管道. 在食道的下端有一个小的肌肉环,它起着单向阀的作用. When there is a problem with the value, stomach contents can back-up or "reflux" into the esophagus. 因为胃内容物本质上是酸性的,这种反流会引起烧灼感.

What are some treatment options for GERD?

改变生活方式、服药和手术都是治疗反流的方法. Lifestyle changes that improve GERD include weight loss, smoking cessation, reduced alcohol intake, and dietary changes such as a low fat, low caffeine diet. Medications that are used to treat GERD include over-the-counter antacids and medicines such as NexiumTM, Prevacid® and Protonix®. 当药物不起作用或由于副作用而无法忍受时,手术成为一种选择.

What is a laparoscopic fundoplication?

The surgery strengthens the "valve" between the stomach and the esophagus. This is achieved by wrapping the upper part of the stomach or fundus) around the lower esophageal sphincter. This surgical procedure is called a fundoplication. 眼底复制术可以作为开放手术或腹腔镜手术进行. A laparoscopic fundoplication means that a surgeon will perform the operation with the use several small incisions, special instruments, and a videoscope and TV monitors.

What are the advantages of having this type of surgery?

Laparoscopic fundoplication requires a shorter hospital stay, less pain, and leaves less noticeable scars in comparison to the traditional surgery.

What are the risks?

Possible risks are infection and injury to nearby organs. 与传统手术相比,由于使用了更小的切口,风险降到最低.

Will I need any tests before surgery?


How should I prepare for surgery?

The night before your surgery, do not eat or drink anything after midnight. The morning of your surgery, do not smoke, chew tobacco or gum. 您将被告知在手术当天到达医院的时间. Bring any comfort items from home that you may need for a brief hospital stay.

What should I expect after surgery?

The usual hospital stay is usually three to five days. Some patients may need to stay longer. You will be given medications to help prevent hiccups and nausea. You will be on a clear liquid diet and advanced gradually to solid foods. Sit upright when you eat and remain upright for at least 20 minutes after eating. The dietician will talk to you about the best diet for you. 大多数人在大约两到三周内恢复到正常的活动水平.


胆囊是一个小的囊状消化器官,位于上腹部右侧. This organ stores bile. Bile is used in the digestion of foods, especially fats. Sometimes small stones called gallstones may form. The gallstones can cause a blockage of the ducts that carries bile from the gallbladder to the small intestine. 如果导管阻塞一段时间,可能会发生严重的损伤或感染. When these stones cause symptoms surgery may be needed.

Symptoms often include pain beneath the ribs and nausea that lasts several hours after eating a fatty meal. Even with the gallbladder removed, 胆汁仍然通过管道和食物的消化输送到小肠.

What is a laparoscopic cholecystectomy?

A laparoscopic (lap-er-uh-skop-ic) cholecystectomy is a type of surgery used to remove the gallbladder. A special device called a laparoscope is used. Small (about one inch) incisions are made to allow the insertion of the laparoscope and surgical instruments. Attached to the laparoscope is a special tiny TV camera. The surgeon removes the gallbladder by looking at a magnified view of the gallbladder and surrounding areas on a monitor.

What are the advantages of having this type of surgery?

A laparoscopic cholecystectomy usually allows you to recover faster, have less scarring and have less pain than traditional surgery. 你也可以缩短住院时间,或者在手术当天回家.

What are the risks?

Possible risks are bleeding and infection. Because the bile duct is close to the gallbladder, there is a risk (less than 1 percent) of an injury occurring to the bile duct that could require additional surgery.

Will I need any tests before surgery?

Your doctor will order blood tests and an ultrasound. You may need an additional procedure by a gastroenterologist if the stones are blocking some of the ducts draining the liver either before or after removal of the gallbladder.

How should I prepare for surgery?

The night before your surgery, do not eat or drink anything after midnight. Do not smoke, chew tobacco or gum the morning of your surgery. 您将被告知在手术当天到达医院的时间. Have someone drive you to and from the hospital. You will not be able to drive yourself home or take a bus or cab alone.

What should I expect after surgery?

Usually, you will be able to go home the same day. In some cases, you may need to stay overnight. 你应该能够在一到两周内恢复正常的活动和工作.


The spleen is a small fist-sized organ that is located in the upper left side of your belly (abdomen). 这个器官帮助抵抗感染,储存血液,清除老的红细胞. A splenectomy is surgical removal of the spleen. A splenectomy is sometimes used for some blood diseases, a tumor, or because of an injury to your spleen.

What is a laparoscopic splenectomy?

腹腔镜脾切除术是一种用于切除脾脏的手术. A special device called a laparoscope is used. Small (about one inch) incisions are made to allow the insertion of the laparoscope and surgical instruments. Attached to the laparoscope is a special tiny TV camera. The surgeon removes the spleen by looking at a magnified view of the spleen and surrounding areas on a monitor.

What are the benefits?

A laparoscopic splenectomy requires a shorter hospital stay, less pain after surgery, have less scarring and faster healing than traditional surgery. 腹腔镜脾切除术对周围组织损伤的风险最小.

What are the risks?

The possible risks are:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Injury to nearby structures and organs.

Will I require any tests before surgery?

Your doctor may order blood work and a CT scan or ultrasound of your abdomen.

How should I prepare for surgery?

The body's immune system is weakened with the removal of the spleen. As a safeguard you will receive vaccinations before surgery. The night before your surgery, do not eat or drink anything after midnight. Do not smoke, chew tobacco or gum the morning of your surgery. 您将被告知在手术当天到达医院的时间. You may want to bring some comfort items from home for your brief hospital stay.

What should I expect after surgery?

The usual hospital stay is one to two days. Some patients may need to stay longer. After surgery, you will need to take special medicines. It is important that you take these medicines as ordered by your doctor. You will be able to return to work and your normal routine in two to three weeks. Avoid heavy lifting for a few weeks.

Donor Nephrectomy

Donor nephrectomy (nef-rek-tuh-mee) is surgery to remove a kidney from a person willing to donate a kidney to a relative or friend who has kidney failure. 肾脏被取出,然后立即移植到受者体内.

Who can be a donor?

A donor must be in good general health. Donors must not suffer from high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, morbid obesity, kidney disease or heart disease. The age of a kidney donor is between 18 and about 60 years of age. The donor and the recipient need to have compatible blood types. 很重要的一点是,潜在的捐赠者要确切地了解这个过程, including testing, surgery, recovery period and possible risks.

How will donating a kidney affect my lifestyle?

A person can live a normal life with one kidney. 捐献肾脏不会缩短你的寿命或增加你患病的风险. 决定成为一名活体捐赠者是非常值得的,这真的是给予“生命的礼物”。.

Does Insurance cover the cost?

In most cases, the recipient's insurance covers the donor's medical costs. 具体包括哪些内容需要核实,因为每种保险的覆盖范围各不相同.

What type of surgery is performed?

Until recently, the surgery involved removing the kidney by a large incision, about 10-12 inches in length. This surgery usually results in an extended hospital stay, is fairly painful, and requires a long recovery period.

There is now another option performed at Upstate Medical University. The option is a laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. With this type of surgery a special device called a laparoscope is used. Small (about one inch) incisions are made to allow the insertion of the laparoscope and surgical instruments. Attached to the laparoscope is a special tiny TV camera. The surgeon removes the kidney by looking at a magnified view of the kidney and surrounding areas on a monitor.

What are the benefits?

The benefits are:

  • Fewer complications.
  • Less pain.
  • Smaller, less noticeable scars.
  • Decreased length of hospital stay of 3 days from 5 to 8 days.

What are the risks?

Possible risks are:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Injury to nearby structures and organs

Will I need any tests before surgery?

要进行几项测试,以确保您是与接受者相容的供体. These tests include blood tests, tissue-typing, cross matching the donor's cells with that of the recipient's, a computerized tomography (CT) scan, a chest X-ray and an electrocardiogram (ECG). The surgeon will need your medical history. This needs to be as accurate as possible. 遗漏你的部分病史可能会导致接受者器官排斥. All information is kept confidential.

How should I prepare for surgery?

You will be admitted to the hospital the day before your surgery. Bring comfort items, such as deodorant and toothpaste, for a brief hospital stay. 手术前一晚,午夜之后你不能吃东西或喝东西.

What should I expect after surgery?

The usual hospital stay is two to three days. Most people return to their normal level of activity in about one to two weeks. Avoid lifting very heavy objects for six weeks after donating.


What is the adrenal gland?

The adrenal gland is a small gland that sits on top of the kidneys that secretes many different types of hormones that affect many different parts of the body. Sometimes the gland can become diseased requiring its removal.

What is a laparoscopic adrenalectomy?

腹腔镜肾上腺切除术是一种外科医生使用几个小切口的手术, special instruments, a video-scope and TV monitors to remove the adrenal gland.

What are the benefits of having my adrenal gland removed laparoscopically?

The adrenal gland can be removed in two ways. Conventional (or open surgery) is generally is more painful compared with a laparoscopic adrenalectomy and requires a longer hospital stay as well as more time to heal.

What are the risks involved with this surgery?

As with any surgery, there is a risk of bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding structures and organs. 如果发生这种情况,外科医生可能需要延长切口来修复或防止进一步的损伤.

Will I require any tests before my surgery?

Your doctor may order blood work and a CT scan or ultrasound of your abdomen.

Should I do anything special to prepare for my surgery?

在你的手术之前,你会被告知在你的手术当天到达的地点和时间. The night before your surgery, do not eat or drink anything after midnight. Do not smoke, chew tobacco or gum the morning of your surgery. You may want to bring some comfort items from home for your brief hospital stay.

How long will I be in the hospital? When will I be able to return to work?

You will stay in the hospital approximately one to two days. Occasionally, some patients stay longer. You will be able to return to work and your normal routine in two to three weeks. Avoid heavy lifting for a few weeks. After your surgery, you will be placed on medications. It is important that you take these medications as prescribed by your doctor.

Small Bowel Resection

Indications for laparoscopic small bowel resection are usually for diseases such as Crohn's disease which often involves repeated episodes of inflammation and scarring which can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. It most often affects the small bowel. Unfortunately, surgery is not considered curative and most patients who have Crohn's disease will require at least one if not more than one operation in their lifetime.

当药物治疗不再有效时,建议进行手术治疗. The benefits of this procedure are a shorter hospital stay, a quicker return to eating solid foods, less pain after surgery, and faster healing. Also, less scar tissue develops after a laparoscopic bowel resection which generally makes additional surgery less complicated. 腹腔镜肠切除术的其他适应症可能涉及以前手术留下的疤痕组织.

What is a laparoscopic small bowel resection? What are the benefits of this procedure?

A laparoscopic small bowel resection is a procedure in which a surgeon uses several small incisions, special instruments, a videoscope with a TV monitor to remove a section of the small bowel. The benefits of this procedure are a shorter hospital stay, quicker return to eating solid foods, less pain after surgery, and faster healing.

What are the risks of this procedure?

As with any surgery, there is the risk of bleeding, infection and damage to surrounding structures and organs and a leak at the site of the bowel anastomosis. With laparoscopic surgery, the risk of damage to surrounding structures and organs is minimal and is certainly no greater than open surgery.

Will I need any tests before my surgery?

Your doctor may order a contrast study or abdominal CT scan and some blood work. Depending on your state of health, some additional tests may be ordered.

How should I prepare for my surgery?

手术前一晚,你需要服用规定的“肠道准备”。. This clears your colon of any contents and lessens the risk of infection. 有关肠道准备的具体信息将在您的门诊预约时告知您. You should not eat or drink anything after midnight. Do not smoke, chew tobacco or gum the morning of your surgery. 您将被告知在手术当天到达医院的地点和时间. Bring any comfort items from home that you may need for a short hospital stay.

How long will I be in the hospital? When will I be able to return to work?

You will be in the hospital three to five days. Occasionally, some patients stay longer. 大约两到三周后,你就可以恢复工作和正常生活了. You should avoid heavy lifting for a few weeks after your surgery.

What should I expect after my surgery?

在医院期间,你要吃透明的流质食物,直到你开始放屁。. In some instances, you may have a urinary catheter for a few days. You will receive information specific to your diagnosis. 这可能包括饮食需求、后续护理的解释和其他治疗方案.
